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Las tarjetas de señal de acondicionamiento y PBT están disponibles en formato PDF digital. El archivo incluye 25 ejercicios con descripciones de viñetas y diagramas visuales. Estos se pueden utilizar como una guía de referencia rápida para profesores PBT, para ayudar a aprender ejercicios y planificar lecciones, y como tarjetas de señal de circuito para que los estudiantes las sigan durante la clase. Los profesores pueden imprimir y plastificar las tarjetas para que puedan instalarse en el estudio con el equipo correspondiente para utilizarlas como programa de circuito. También se pueden imprimir en formato "Folleto" como manual del profesor.

Tarjetas de referencia de PBT y acondicionamiento: Descarga digital ESPAÑOL

    • The document content was created and owned by Kimberley Cousins (Échappé) and should not be on sold or rebranded.  

    • This PDF was created initially for personal teaching purposes and is not an official product from PBT. 

    • Progressing Ballet Technique has granted permission for this PDF to be promoted and sold, as it supports the teaching of PBT. 

    • Titles and descriptions of the exercises may not be exactly as defined in a PBT course or official PBT documentation, as they have been interpreted in the creator's own words and terms. The chosen exercises only represent a sample of the full PBT repertoire so teachers should refer to the lesson plans at for further guidance.

    • The exercises should always be taught properly as per PBT guidelines and instructions (quality not quantity).  Circuits should be used as complementary for those students who have already been taught the exercises, and should always be performed under supervision and students not left unattended.

    • Teachers must always check the technique details on the exercises with the online training

    • Additional non-PBT exercises have been included without the PBT logo on them.

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